About Us
Launched English tutoring program for high school students of Dreaming Alley
(Art education NPO)
Graduating class of Dreaming Alley students successfully admitted to college
Launched Mentoring program for high school students of Dream School
(Alternative education school);
Formally established Volunteers Club Vice Versa
Initiated volunteering partnership with Seocho Volunteer Center (Seocho District division)
Launched volunteer program with Sungmo Dream Hill (Catholic orphanage)
Established mentoring program for college students of JUMP (Education NPO)
Launched the Vice Versa x Minerva Mentorship Program, connecting experienced professionals with students to offer career-building guidance and industry insights.
Volunteers Club Vice Versa
VCVV was founded by young professionals who have personally experienced the transformative power of volunteering. We’ve seen firsthand the joy that comes from making a positive impact in someone else’s life and how it has brought a renewed sense of purpose, energy, and happiness into our own lives. We are dedicated to sharing that positive influence with others and believe in the ripple effect that can create lasting change.
Our vision is to foster a virtuous cycle of mentorship, where sharing insights and experiences with today’s students will help them grow into future experts who, in turn, mentor others. We believe that by contributing to this cycle of positive influence, we are collectively building a future grounded in strong social values and impactful actions.
Currently, we are focused on mentoring college-level students, as we see this as a critical stage for personal and professional growth. By guiding them through their academic and career journeys, we aim to equip them with the confidence and knowledge to navigate their futures and, eventually, share their experiences with the next generation.
Each VCVV member commits to the principle of "volunteering once a week." While it may seem like a significant time commitment, we’ve found that giving just a few hours a week to mentoring brings immense fulfillment. The benefits of volunteering go both ways: as much as you give, you receive.
But don’t just take our word for it. Join us and experience the power of mentorship and volunteering for yourself.